Mark Power
Mark Power is a British Photographer was studied life-drawings and painting who went into photography and is now the most respected documentary photographer. In an interview, he states, " a committed photographer exploring a theme over several months or years is a very different proposition from someone who simply takes pictures for Instagram. Furthermore, I’ve always thought that ‘taking photographs’ is the easy part; making sense of what you’ve collected, and doing something meaningful with all of that material, is far more difficult" (Drakes) and I completely agree. Anyone can take a photo but what makes a photo art is when there is a meaning that can be determined from it and can create multiple different opinions from every peer of eyes that sees it.
I love this image. It represents choice, messiness, relaxation and so much more. The photograph was taken when the pandemic started as the photographer's daughter and son came home from university. His room (son) is super cluttered and in the photograph, she is just laying on her bed on her phone. I completely resonate with this photo. Being stuck in the house with nothing to do and things get crazy and you start not to care much about anything. You just try to survive the day without being bored because you can't leave the house. I like how the photo was taken from a high angel so we could see just how many clothes are on the floor and see the full layout of what's happening there if they hadn't, has done that I don't think we would understand how much stuff was on the floor in different places. I like how he captured a part of his son's body in the photo. If he hadn't;t I wouldn't get the significance of why the photo was being taken. The son is just on his phone not worried about the mess.
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