What Does Photography Mean to Mean?
Photography has so much meaning and looks so much differently to every single person. A million people can look at one image and every single one of them will tell the photographer something different about how they interpret the photo and what it might mean to them. Photography just like drawings and painting are subjective to the person who is looking at it. Everyone internalizes photography differently, seeing things within a photo the photographer probably hadn't seen. it goes to so how unique everyone eye is and the power we as people all hold in internalizing images. What does photography mean to mean? I'm not quite sure. I see a lot of things as beautiful such as the sky, nightfall, a piece of paper tapes to a lamppost and I don't take pictures of it. I see a lot of beauty, pain, and hurt in the world and with one snap of a finger I would able to snap the image but I don't. I guess that mean...